Monday, February 6, 2023

Guatemala 2023: Full Circle


Guatemala. Simply put, it was not about me, it was about the children. 

Their laughter.

Their smiles.

Their courage.

Their hope…

I certainly had selfish motives. 

  1. How nice would it be to leave the frigid temperatures for 80-degree days and sunshine?
  2. How can I scratch my travel itch?
  3. How am I able to keep my Spanish and Pediatric therapy skills alive, or expand upon them on a team with others more proficient than myself? (Little did I know I would also help others learn too.)

I had two kiddos in intensivos, intensive 3-hour-a-day sessions for 1 week to produce as much change and as much carryover into everyday life as possible. “Carryover” meaning, if we taught something, that their local Guatemalan PTs, the caregivers (usually parents), and the kiddos themselves could continue the new skillset.

From a whopping 6-hours away, A., is an 8-year-old boy with cerebral palsy of right > left lower extremity with lower body weakness post-multiple tendon release and apprehension to stand and walk since late Nov. when his casts were removed.

The Futbol Champ is here!

Day 1: A. needed help to get from his bed to his wheelchair, or to the toilet. He couldn’t stand on his own, and wouldn’t sit up for long on his own. He couldn’t kick from various positions.

Motivations: The joy of working with A. was finding what motivated him. Even our translator and PT tech and other teammates learned quickly what that was, as his first day after about 30 minutes he was constantly asking his mother for Coca-Cola or helado (ice cream). We also found he was a huge Lionel Messi fan, post-World Cup.

Treatment: Throughout the days, A. was able to maintain energy a little more each day, especially with the aforementioned motivations incorporated into games. (Ice cream became his graduation surprise.) We worked in every position, lying down, sitting, kneeling, on all fours, standing, transferring, walking. Just like my other kiddo, he had right > left-sided leg weakness and so I played games where he could only reach with his left arm while on all fours to force a weight shift onto his right hip. I facilitated his crawling patterns so he wouldn’t scoot or drag himself on his knees. His favorite games involved kicking or hitting things, so we used a boxing balloon (kudos to the PT students on my team) while in kneeling to maintain trunk and core activation. He was able to progress throughout the week to use both hands and maintain himself upright on two knees without upper extremity support for 30 seconds or more. The little miracles that took place were finding just-the-right ankle braces for him. With a little help from my friends, we flushed out one that would help support his ankle, which was very weak and keep his knee from hyperextending. It even had Spiderman on it! After playing orthotist for the day, I reworked it, again with some help, to fit him perfectly! 

Futbol was always motivating!

Coming up with games to get A to weight shift onto his right side.

Outcomes: By the last day, he was sitting on his own and standing from his chair with one hand on the walker, counting in English to ten! His mom only needed to help guide his bum from seat to seat instead of dragging him around under his shoulders. He was then able to walk with a posterior aka reverse aka Nimbo walker, with only help to lift and steer it around cones, 35-40 feet to kick a futbol into the goal against his arch nemesis, France! Unfortunately it wasn’t captured on photo or video, but the other boys at the clinic huddled around him afterwards and clapped for him. It was precious!

A. and mother at graduation.

A. finally got his helado!

If I thought A. was fun, the little girl I got to work with totally stole my heart. ‘Your wife better watch out,’ everyone joked.

X. is a 6-year-old girl with Zika-related microcephaly and cerebral palsy of right > left trunk and lower extremity involvement with spasticity and extensor tone. She also has little function in her right hand due to flexion tone. She will likely benefit from multiple tendon releases. Mom wanted to know if she needed hip surgery, to which we found by x-ray that her hips were okay, but underdeveloped due to a lack of crawling/standing/walking/weight-bearing.

After a long day at the office-- ice cream!

Day 1: X. needed help with all positions. If you were careful, she would involuntarily go into an extension pattern with her whole body and knock you off of your feet or whatever ball you were sitting on. ;) As mentioned, she rarely used her right hand. She bunny hopped around in a kneeling position on her ankles. She was not sitting, standing or walking independently, nor crawling at all.

(Video note: Without bracing, notice her feet and tendency to push up into extension, but also her ability to listen to my directions and requests.)

Motivations: X. was motivated by squishy toys, toys that made messes, light toys (like a light board she drew on that was perfectly eye level for her), and by whatever else the other kids in the room were doing. (which we tried to use to our advantage instead of distraction)

Treatment: Because of her spasticity (a malfunction of the circuitry between the brain and the muscles which sends them into a state of being 'powered on' against your will), we began each session with progressive stretching to dial this down. (We used other techniques for this too beyond the scope of this blog, but PT nerds feel free to reach out.) I learned a lot during this time myself. We did a lot in sitting on peanut ball (peanut shaped yoga balls) to increase her core strength and help her maintain sitting positions. We worked on proper bracing for her right hand and either bearing weight through, or reaching with, her right arm as much as possible to allow her to better interact and help mom at home, play with friends (which we did across the table on day 4), and ultimately to crawl instead of hop/scoot. 

Working to break up spasticity and increase sitting and standing independence.

We incorporated all of these principles in a standing position and sitting-to-standing transitions and by day 4 and 5, I made sure her mother was performing as much as she could without my physical help. With both kids, a lot of photos and videos were taken and they will be able to follow up with the Hearts in Motion center in the future with all questions, concerns. X. did trial a brace that kept her from walking with as much crossing of her feet, but it was not perfect despite a lot of trouble shooting. 

(Video note: X walking above is one of her best walks without her feet crossing, nor heavy bracing.)

Outcome: Mom learned how to do all of the techniques we used to stretch, and otherwise, decrease her spastic muscles in her legs and right arm and right trunk. She was able to guide her to crawl and use her right hand more while on all fours, or when sitting independently. She learned where to place her hands, objects, toys, and how to cue X. to stand without falling backwards. She learned how to walk with her by herself, but ultimately she will do best with surgery to bring more independence to her walking.

Sitting and using her affected hand! <3

One day, when I thought she was too tired and distracted, we took a break and she was definitely NOT ignoring me. When I asked if I could have some helado, she stuck me right in the mouth with a phlegm-filled sponge “ice cream cone” and somehow I didn’t get sick. My teammate captured this moment, and it’s my favorite photo from the trip.

Ice cream, real and fake, is a great motivator! (PC: Anna)


There are so many other things I don’t have time to touch upon… (i.e. delivering wheelchairs to kiddos in need; the divine setup of how our team came together–it almost didn’t for most of us! – and the tourism fun we had...).  But, reflecting upon my checklist above, if there was any other “selfish” point of the trip that surprised me by being met, it was that I was reminded of the full-circle nature of my calling to physical therapy and to help people in great need in ways beyond just PT.  From the Syrian kiddos with CP I met in 2014, to X and A in Guatemala in 2023, God affirmed for me the delight it is to work with the most precious of children. He also reminded me in the productive brevity of this trip, that nurturing my spirit, and the spirit and souls of those around me, is just as important as caring for the body. So, if there is one message I would pass along, besides the cute photos and inspiring stories, it’s this: carry God’s joy deep within you and pray that it overflows to those around you, in every interaction you have. And when you have the opportunity to spend time with God’s precious little ones, soak it in like a sponge, because they often resemble Him–freely giving joy. Let’s be more like them.

SWT - 2023-

[P.S. 1/27/2023 - I got an update from A's mom today telling me he has begun to walk without his walker. She said she would have sent a photo, but she's still cautiously right by his side. 💘 ]

Blessing a family with an upgraded wheelchair.

The AM Crew

The PM Crew

More info:


  1. Pray for H.I.M.

  2. Host a fundraiser

  3. Collect education toys for the preschool in Pueblo Modelo

  4. Invite others to join on your next trip!

  5. Sponsor a child for school ($35 monthly)

  6. Sponsor a child in the weekly feed program ($15 monthly)

  7. Sponsor a home for a family ($3750)

  8. Collect and donate acoustic guitars, strings, and picks

Sunday, August 30, 2015

More of Him, Less of Me!

From the moment I stepped out of the airplane onto the long stairwell, I felt as though I was returning home...

You must understand the majesty of God behind such a realization. Iquitos is by no means an easy place to live and this trip was no different. The humid jungle climate contrasted with torrential downpour. (One of my days there saw a possible record rainfall that flooded department stores.) The rain means most areas with poor drainage are greeted by sewage in their homes and throughout the streets. This comes with mosquitoes, various bugs, bites, water and power outages, and wondering if the sun will come out to dry your clothes that took you an hour to wash by hand. And this is just in the city!

Evangelizing in Belen the day after the rain storm. (Click to enlarge)

Regardless, not only did mi familia pick me up from the airport, but two of my photography alums as well. Yes, my time in Iquitos was short at a whopping 8 days. With this, I was very intentional to catch up with as many old faces as possible. I met with multiple people in charge of different ministries. Though everyone is not in the same season, by and large, they are all doing well and growing or changing for the better. I must highlight that living with the Construyendo Sueños team again was awesome. (They made sure to note that not only were they surprised that I hadn't forgotten my español but also at how skinny I had become. When they asked "why?" I had no response besides, "Soy pobre.")

Surprise birthday party for David!
Catching up with ministry leaders. 
"Sofita" with her new toy. They named it Sam after me.
It was a special treat to meet "mi sobrina" (niece) Sofía. Although she keeps the ministry leaders quite busy, it has not stopped them from ministering to youth. I was able to fully participate (nostalgically and joyfully) in all of the regular family ministries. My primary work in that week was to photograph and do videography for campamento de jovenes. ("+ of Him, - of Me") You may recall, in 2013, I had various photo and film projects between the discipleship school, women's ministry, promotional material, the kids camp and the (Grammy nominated) ROJO concert. My leaders were quick to inform me of how important this job is, not just for keepsakes or to decrease the amount of selfies being taken, but to promote and raise support for the ministry so these camps can continue. Money is always a factor, for example; in 2014 the kids camp was cancelled due to a lack of finances. (the money was instead used for Christmas gifts for the children) 

Kids Ministry is now done in 3 locations with some youth leaders co-leading.

Club Jesus: Welcome to the JUNGLE!
As was the case in 2013, we used the beautiful campamento vida abundante. We were definitely very busy, most days running from 5am-1am. This, and the rain that hit most of the second day, were rather difficult on my immune system. Apart from that (and the illness to follow), I was so very impressed by the quality of material presented throughout the camp. First, by the Puerto Rican team, who did most of the skits, small groups and messages. Second, by Juan Carlos and the worship team, who had an amazingly fun production complete with requiring the students to learn the dance moves and lyrics to the songs. For the equivalent of 20 USD, these students got every centimo worth!
We almost never made it to camp!
Seeing student's lives change is always amazing. Capturing precous moments as they surrender their lives, their dreams and their sins to the LORD is an amazing thing. I was touched to watch some of my former students, now friends, speak on the tug-of-war that they have with the world and their flesh. The biggest personal highlight was sharing my testimony in Spanish. I wrote it out the best I could and had a friend edit it. The rain the night before had soaked all the microphone cables, so I had to speak loud in the best Spanish accent I could. The biggest reactions were to my life's direction from fear of working with children to a career goal of working with children. I also shared a personal story about God's love as a father for a refugee in the Middle East. (Not easy to do in a second language.)

Nothing compares to lives changing.
Teams of 6 were connected by belts. #Unified
We also had extreme competition team building games. I made sure to dive into the mud pit myself! The last morning we woke up the students by surprise for sunrise worship. It was beautiful and entertaining as all the rain had killed quite a few of our voices, including the worship leader. Before packing up, we finished with guy's and gal's small groups. The guys talked about an array of deep issues such as pornography, homosexuality and healthy relationships. #TheStruggleisReal

Sunrise Praise
I had to jump in myself!
If that wasn't bad enough, the ants were biting!
Grilled fish, chicken, tacacho and rice. Eduardo's mom treated us like royalty!
With one more day in Iquitos, I had just enough time to sort through all of the material, pack up and have a fairwell lunch with my former students-turned-leaders. This was my first trip returning to a place I had been before and, no matter how strange it may seem to say, Iquitos truly does feel like a second home to me. I wouldn't have changed anything about my time there. It was truly anointed in how everything came together and I know I am always welcome. Matter of fact, after expressing their disappointment in me leaving so soon, everyone was sure to let me know they are praying for my quick return. I gratefully accept those encouraging words and place it all at the feet of the LORD. I was in Iquitos searching for possible opportunities to bring a team from Northwestern down this coming year, but as i have learned many times over, His timing is better than any plan I could ever make. Please keep this and the ministries in your prayers. So many lives are impacted and so many needs are met physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly, spiritually. If you would like more information about any of the ministries or how to support them, I have included some information below. May we all be sowing into a beautiful harvest in one way or another.

In Christ,


My old room is completely remodeled after the YWAM base fire last year. (Click to enlarge.)
YWAM Iquitos - Jungle communities, women's ministry and discipleship school.

Construyendo Suenos - Children's and youth ministry

Iglesia Genesis: Visiting old friends.
Genesis Church - many people are currently pledging to go bald if they can fundraise enough money for their new church building by the deadline! (update: they rose $44,000 in two days, only needed $15,000.)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Miraculous India!

What an absolutely beautiful and supernatural time we have had the last 12 days here in India. I would like to expound on the trip more, but as you will likely see, there has been very little time for reflection here. I simply wanted to give a glimpse of what is going on before I head over to my other location in a matter of hours. Do not be confused as I wrote it as I had time so some may be in present tense, while other parts may be past. My apologies! So, with out further a do, here are some of the experiences and observations …

India is so very beautiful. Click the photo to enlarge.

- In four days, my leader Mark & I have traveled 7,904 miles. First by plane from the US to Delhi, then from there by car to Agra and back to Delhi and from there to Kullu, 16 hours away. Anyone who has traveled India by vehicle knows it is constant stop, go, honking, manuvering and such. The Father gifted us with an amazing man, Robin, who has been a taxi driver in the past. He avoided many sacred cows and herds of cattle, as well as buses and potholes on the winding mountain roads. The worst of the travel is over as our other conference was in Sudanager, which was on our way back to Dehli.

Road blocks.

- The Kharisma Girl's Home is a home for 22 girls that have been brought out of very extreme situations of poverty or at-risk scenarios. We were in Agra less than 24 hours with the goal of creating a support video for this ministry. It is ran by amazing people and the girls were so very polite, thankful and even shy! They do not know about or enjoy talking about their pasts. They have 3 full meals, education, games, song, dance, etc. I hope to have this video available for your viewing shortly. Obviously… this was a big part of the trip for me personally. This may sound crazy, but my heart is so very overtaken by such homes and such beautiful people that I feel it in my bones. Maybe the Spirit is trying to tell me something.

Most of them were shy, but so adorable!
- From there we had a time of ministry at a church in Delhi. Mark shared on humility and a handful of people received healing. One of the young men had shattered 5 bones in his foot and was able to jump up and down! Gloria a Dios! The Indian people are so very passionate in their worship. They are greatful to be able to know Him in a nation of less than 0.1% believers and are relentless despite the way this round of elections has gone. Persecution is likely to rise again and anti-conversion laws put into place in many areas.

I have a video of this young man, who can now jump on his foot!
- The travel from Delhi to Kullu was difficult for me. I slept a solid 12 hours, I believe because I am unused to the amount of travel in such a short time and sitting up front through all the driving. I fell asleep at 6pm one evening. I must remember we are also adjusting to the 10.5 hour time difference from the States. I am taken aback by the geography here. I find about every 30 minutes a new, fresh landscape. I have seen the geography of almost every place I have been to thus far… from the trees and plants to the hills or flat land, the communities and types of people or the cities with excess, the countryside with poverty. It is easiest to compare to places you have been, but now I am just calling it India. Haha.

- Two full days in Kullu were wonderful. We had two conferences in a packed out old cinema. Any fears the pastors had toward the current state of relgion/political affairs (that I will not touch too much on in a public forum) were, I believe, subsided with the success of this event and they asked for us to return for 3 days next year. About 85% of the audience accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Multiple healings took place, as well as deliverance from depression, emotional trauma and even demonic possessions! God was definitely doing something special as people that had had chronic pain from months to years were being healed. Not all healing is instantaneous, so I will continue to pray for a young boy who was struggling with some kind of weakening illness. He wasn't speaking and his mother said he had lost most of his strength. It was a favorite moment for me because as we prayed for him, he began to squeeze my hand REAL HARD! (The next night his mother said he was doing better, so let's be praying for a full recovery.) A woman struggling with some type of rage and/or possession stormed the stage, presumably to attack Mark… she growled and tossed around for a bit before becoming still on the floor. Afterword she testified that she felt 'lighter' than she had felt in many months. Her husband was so happy be came up to the stage and accepted Christ! The icing on the cake was an elderly woman who walked for the first time in 9 years!
Walking... Hallelujah!

- On our third day in our last location, Sunder Nagar, we interviewed 4 pastors for a short video. Their identities will be concealed, but it will discuss what it is like to be a Christian/pastor in India. It will also focus on the persecution accounts they have faced and what their needs are in the future. My prayer is this will stir up churches to pray and intercede for India. Some of the remarkable happenings in Sunder Nagar were with many visions of angels. One woman had been on dialysis for 3 years and her kidneys were shutting down. She was in shock as she was receiving blood circulation in her hands and her pain was gone! Praise the Lord! Many testimonies came forward of Jesus dissolving kidney stones with no pain.
Woman in shock after feeling new circulation in her hands; kidney pain GONE!

Here is a more extensive photo gallery from India:

I will be disabling parts of my facebook until I return home. You may continue to contact me, but please use wisdom in the things you say or discuss. Thank you.


1. Safe travel to the Middle East over the next 24 hours. 

2. There are many other things on my heart but due to the times and nature I will refrain. I ask for prayer for the 4th and 5th of June. A very important video project is in the works and the majority of the filming will take place that day. I need wisdom, creativity and endurance. We are looking for God to bring out some very positive stories among the darkness. I hope to one day be able to share more.

3. I am very, very close to being 100% funded so I am very thankful and assured I am on the right track!

Monday, December 2, 2013

FINAL del Perú: Famous Places & Not So Famous Faces

To finalize my time here in Perú, I lucked out with a good day at the internet cafe and was able to upload these photos from August and September. Note: This is by no means a comprehensive view of the August & September, as there are well over 1,000 photos, but in relation to your time and my internet capabilities... this is quite comprehensive haha. REMEMBER YOU CAN CLICK THE PHOTO TO SEE A LARGER VERSION. Blessed Holidays and Love to ALL!

The morning of the ROJO concert, we had a secret kids program in the streets. They were hesitant at first, but eventually came around to see what all the comotion was about.

Little did they know ROJO was going to show up. This is a big deal for a place like Iquitos, let alone the barrio.

From high and low they came for a glimpse.

A few weeks previous this group won the opporunity to do their coreography before the concert. They have an English name, BREAKING CHAINS.
Emmanuel has been nominated for multiple Grammy's, but he was quite the humble man, very interested in our ministry and what we are doing here. The band recently completed a project in Africa.

Martine's masked face is my proof that my promotional video played at a major concert.

... and it was a great concert where people really worshipped the Lord and not the band. Due to copyright purposes, I cannot show you the photos (publicly).

Next day, the HEFZI-BOYS at the Hefzi-Ba Women's camp. Hefzi Ba is taken from Isaiah and in Hebrew means 'He takes delight in her.'

This was part of my kids team. I can't really call it mine however, I had help. Jaja.

Treasure Hunt nature projects. You won't find this stuff in the US and it's not Made in China.

The women had an amazing time as well and being the only gringo, I was quite famous. But more famous... JESUS! Glory to God for the freedom these women experience.
An amazing photo I took in September of the Marcha para Jesús. A time on our knees in the central plaza praying for the city. (That's a famous building in the back left. Can you guess why?)

One of my best, self-funded trips ever! Machu Piccu is majestic and brings new understanding to why He is called Majesty.

Although grandpas made this hike, I can honestly say it was really difficult.

Try getting your size 11's down these steps!

While I stopped in Cuzco, I got to see my friend's childrens home El Arca! I fell in love.

RED TEAM reunited...Sam, Renita, Ela and Bielgui.

We played in the woods and for the first time in Perú, I felt like I was at home... in Minnesota. (But in heart too.)
Kids always find a way to play.

Overlook at Arica, Chile from one of the military strongholds that turned the war for Chile's victory.

For about $40 I made an all day bus trip in some incredibly beautiful places. Mountains, volcanoes, rare animals and deserts in the Nacional Parque de Lauca.

RED TEAM reunited part two. Spent a few days in Lima with mi hermano en Cristo, Edú.
It was an interesting trip indeed. Macchu Piccu, Cuzco, venturing through bus stations by myself, not understanding the Chilean accent, the wonderful people God put in my path along the way...

As I wind down my trip here in Iquitos, I'm reminded by pictures like these of what a beautiful time it was been here in Perú. In this blog you've seen some of the best parts... some of the self-funded vacations, the successes of camps and concerts. Reality is day-to-day is good, but it's been tough and if you havent had the chance, I suggest you check out my blogs from the outreach before this one and you may understand how enjoyable this short break really was back in September. I will leave you with a last few urgent prayer requests and wish you all the very best Holiday Season... for which I will be there, God willing, shortly.

Obviously with camp coming up, and my teaching being a pivital part of my ministry here, I owe you at least one more blog upon my return home. Blessings to all. Thank you again, each and every one, for your continued prayer and support. I receive your messages of support and am very encouraged. Please read through my final prayer requests, especially those regarding camp.

Building Dreams Ministry Updates:

-   DECEMBER KIDS CAMP - Update: The reality about our camp is that we aren’t even half raised. It takes a lot of work and money to secure a camp ground, prepare food, make shirts, give each of the 150 kids a present, not to mention transportation, etc. If we have to do this at a minimum, we will. (Basic food, no shirts, cheap presents, etc.) But we really want to give these kids something special, please prayerfully consider a donation. We are putting a down payment on the camp grounds today. The rental itself is $700 alone. For more information, check out the website. You can also give directly through me if you wish to do so. One year in the past there was zero funds, but they all came in within the last few days. We know the Lord is faithful. If you are unable to give, your prayers are just as valuable... for churches and families around the world we are in contact with to be blessed with continued work and economic stability. Obviously, we need prayer as well for our preparation as these last few weeks will be pretty crazy. If this is something you or anyone you know is interested in giving to, I will be sure to personally get you a copy of our CD we are recording and a photo from camp.
-   (More info: 2 weeks away is the climax of the ministry with the annual kids camp. It’s also the end of my journey here. We will be having a 3 day camp for kids in poverty, ending with a Christmas celebration where we will give each kid a small present. For ONLY $30 you can cover one child IN FULL - transportation, food, clothes, activities, present, etc. If you are interested, please send me the donation and note what it is for. A BIG THANK YOU comes from my team here and I will be sure to send you our new CD and a photo of your kid(s) at camp!)
-   Recording - Since October, we have been recording and now editing a CD to help benefit this ministry here in Iquitos, as well as in Bogotá, Columbia and with me back home in the US. Prayer that this will be used to help promote the ministry would be appreciated. This has been a good experience for me to record an entire band and it’s all for a good purpose!
-   Health Update: The father of my Perúvian mama, Cecy, one of the ministry leaders here at the house is in better condition and back at home. He has diabetes and a complicated history. He’s been in the hospital recently. Please pray for better medical care and education here in the Amazon.

Personal Updates:

- My Health - As I mentioned, I was real sick about a month ago. 5 times in 10 months is pretty sad and I cannot afford to be sick in this final stretch.
- Mr. Tindall: Maestro Numero Uno- Teaching has been interesting. I realized I had expectations that weren’t able to be met and adjusted to what’s ahead. I’m now teaching 4 classes, so I need to really focus in on what I can teach for them to retain these last 2 weeks. My goal is that these kids will be able to have an introductory “conversation” with any person who speaks English. My photography students are doing well and will be assisting me with photos and video at our camp.
My Spanish - I have been having conversation about my life in the past and continue to work on being able to share my testimony in Español. The hard part really will hit when I return home and have very little opportunity to speak it.
- My Finances & My Future. Despite coming here dramatically underfunded, the Lord has proven faithful. Thank you so very much to you all that have been greatly generous. My trip here is hitting the final stretch and I’m seeking direction from God on my future. I have decided to continue on the mission field. Prayer for in what capacity or direction and monthly (or one-time support) are always on a missionary’s prayer list! :)  For those that prefer PayPal, my email address is You can still buy the Duets for Peru Project for a donation as well. Please consider giving to camp, however, as this is a much more urgent matter.

Final (wow!) blessings from the humid Amazon in Perú,
