Monday, May 26, 2014

Miraculous India!

What an absolutely beautiful and supernatural time we have had the last 12 days here in India. I would like to expound on the trip more, but as you will likely see, there has been very little time for reflection here. I simply wanted to give a glimpse of what is going on before I head over to my other location in a matter of hours. Do not be confused as I wrote it as I had time so some may be in present tense, while other parts may be past. My apologies! So, with out further a do, here are some of the experiences and observations …

India is so very beautiful. Click the photo to enlarge.

- In four days, my leader Mark & I have traveled 7,904 miles. First by plane from the US to Delhi, then from there by car to Agra and back to Delhi and from there to Kullu, 16 hours away. Anyone who has traveled India by vehicle knows it is constant stop, go, honking, manuvering and such. The Father gifted us with an amazing man, Robin, who has been a taxi driver in the past. He avoided many sacred cows and herds of cattle, as well as buses and potholes on the winding mountain roads. The worst of the travel is over as our other conference was in Sudanager, which was on our way back to Dehli.

Road blocks.

- The Kharisma Girl's Home is a home for 22 girls that have been brought out of very extreme situations of poverty or at-risk scenarios. We were in Agra less than 24 hours with the goal of creating a support video for this ministry. It is ran by amazing people and the girls were so very polite, thankful and even shy! They do not know about or enjoy talking about their pasts. They have 3 full meals, education, games, song, dance, etc. I hope to have this video available for your viewing shortly. Obviously… this was a big part of the trip for me personally. This may sound crazy, but my heart is so very overtaken by such homes and such beautiful people that I feel it in my bones. Maybe the Spirit is trying to tell me something.

Most of them were shy, but so adorable!
- From there we had a time of ministry at a church in Delhi. Mark shared on humility and a handful of people received healing. One of the young men had shattered 5 bones in his foot and was able to jump up and down! Gloria a Dios! The Indian people are so very passionate in their worship. They are greatful to be able to know Him in a nation of less than 0.1% believers and are relentless despite the way this round of elections has gone. Persecution is likely to rise again and anti-conversion laws put into place in many areas.

I have a video of this young man, who can now jump on his foot!
- The travel from Delhi to Kullu was difficult for me. I slept a solid 12 hours, I believe because I am unused to the amount of travel in such a short time and sitting up front through all the driving. I fell asleep at 6pm one evening. I must remember we are also adjusting to the 10.5 hour time difference from the States. I am taken aback by the geography here. I find about every 30 minutes a new, fresh landscape. I have seen the geography of almost every place I have been to thus far… from the trees and plants to the hills or flat land, the communities and types of people or the cities with excess, the countryside with poverty. It is easiest to compare to places you have been, but now I am just calling it India. Haha.

- Two full days in Kullu were wonderful. We had two conferences in a packed out old cinema. Any fears the pastors had toward the current state of relgion/political affairs (that I will not touch too much on in a public forum) were, I believe, subsided with the success of this event and they asked for us to return for 3 days next year. About 85% of the audience accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Multiple healings took place, as well as deliverance from depression, emotional trauma and even demonic possessions! God was definitely doing something special as people that had had chronic pain from months to years were being healed. Not all healing is instantaneous, so I will continue to pray for a young boy who was struggling with some kind of weakening illness. He wasn't speaking and his mother said he had lost most of his strength. It was a favorite moment for me because as we prayed for him, he began to squeeze my hand REAL HARD! (The next night his mother said he was doing better, so let's be praying for a full recovery.) A woman struggling with some type of rage and/or possession stormed the stage, presumably to attack Mark… she growled and tossed around for a bit before becoming still on the floor. Afterword she testified that she felt 'lighter' than she had felt in many months. Her husband was so happy be came up to the stage and accepted Christ! The icing on the cake was an elderly woman who walked for the first time in 9 years!
Walking... Hallelujah!

- On our third day in our last location, Sunder Nagar, we interviewed 4 pastors for a short video. Their identities will be concealed, but it will discuss what it is like to be a Christian/pastor in India. It will also focus on the persecution accounts they have faced and what their needs are in the future. My prayer is this will stir up churches to pray and intercede for India. Some of the remarkable happenings in Sunder Nagar were with many visions of angels. One woman had been on dialysis for 3 years and her kidneys were shutting down. She was in shock as she was receiving blood circulation in her hands and her pain was gone! Praise the Lord! Many testimonies came forward of Jesus dissolving kidney stones with no pain.
Woman in shock after feeling new circulation in her hands; kidney pain GONE!

Here is a more extensive photo gallery from India:

I will be disabling parts of my facebook until I return home. You may continue to contact me, but please use wisdom in the things you say or discuss. Thank you.


1. Safe travel to the Middle East over the next 24 hours. 

2. There are many other things on my heart but due to the times and nature I will refrain. I ask for prayer for the 4th and 5th of June. A very important video project is in the works and the majority of the filming will take place that day. I need wisdom, creativity and endurance. We are looking for God to bring out some very positive stories among the darkness. I hope to one day be able to share more.

3. I am very, very close to being 100% funded so I am very thankful and assured I am on the right track!

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