Thursday, September 23, 2010

hey everyone!

Hello! Hope everyone is well! My journey is complete here to New Zealand. Go figure I'm sitting in a coffee shop with 9 girls on our computers. The weather is not what you would expect. It's about 50 and rainy right now...not what most would think of New Zealand. I will get some pictures up when I can. The wind here is intense, the umbrellas cannot handle it. We have a few days before school starts so we are looking to go to the zoo and museum, figure out a church to go to, etc.

Everyone here is pretty cool. So far we have briefly told stories of why we are here, inbetween jet lag. Random things that have caught me off guard:

-parrots flying around outside
-cars on the opposite side of the road
-tea time (this is an english country)
-latte vs. flat white coffee
-random birds flying in any open window...eating fries in the mall.

I will update more with some pictures nad stuff later. We are limited with internet access. I need to prep an email list still so if you did not give me your email at one of those points, send it to me here:

God bless, love you all!

PS. The flight was horrible, 13 hours and difficult to sleep sitting up. (or on the tray for that matter)

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