Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week Numero Dos - 2.25.13 8:25 PM - Iquitos

(with the internet situation and the busy schedule the first few weeks of the school, I have been unable to update often. We have been working 15 hour days so give me some grace por favor?)

Week Numero Dos - 2.25.13 8:25 PM - Iquitos

I’m writing this blog on a separate evening, however just to continue the theme of random projects, I thought you would like to know my day. Today I spent most of the day sewing a window screen together and a torrential downpour ensued at about 7pm, so after making our students dinner, I spent an hour squeegeeing out the rooms. With the Joy of the Lord, of course! :)

Day in the Life of Sam Act 1: Pre Discipleship Training School
Friday, February 22nd, 2013

5:15am: Arose late, yet somehow a bit early for Sam (imagine that!) and thwarted a hungry team of ants that infiltrated the thick cupboard doors and were finding their way into my Angel Copix. (cereal)

Click on the photo for a larger size. :)
5:30am: Feeding body & spirit.

6:11am: Joe, Caleb & I have a meeting over the 12 weeks of scriptures the students will meditate on 30 minutes per day. We brought some of our favorite to the table, as well as strong candidates from the past. We laid out the highlights of the selection and why we chose it, then we American Idol’d it with a thumbs up or down.

8:04am: In YWAM (or JUCUM in Latin America) we are always ready for one of our mottos.. FLEXIBILITY! Waldir, our maintenance guy on base, needed help getting some scaffolding over a brick wall. Our friendly neighborhood fire ants and acid plans were waiting for us in the garden, along with a domesticated bunny rabbit! (Lo siento, no Trix here!)

Yes, here... our lunch breaks happen earlier... because we get up SOOO EARLY! haha.
8:35am: Lunch break
During our meeting, this bird decided to fly into our window. This is the second time a bird has dive bombed a person lol. We scooped it up, then it flew across the street. *click to enlarge*

11:31am: Meeting with Joe to organize Amazing Race items. (More below)

1:34pm: Sometimes we need a little break. Sometimes those breaks end in an accidental nap. (Those have been happening a lot lately.)

1:56pm: Finished working on the Amazing Race hints. The Amazing Race is something designed as a fun competition to get the students familiar with the city they are in for school. They have hints and they must get to the next location to get the following hint. (I can’t tell you more, as to give it away, but it will be fun.) I also met with Magly, Joe and Caleb to begin brainstorming our Friday Night socials. We have a Latino-themed night where the Latino’s will plan out their evening as well as a Gringo night for all our European, American, and (... South African students?)

3:23pm: Studying my part for the Redeemer drama we will teach the students for outreach in Peru & Bolivia.

3:35pm: Return & clean scaffolding. Clean acid off feet.

5:05pm: Dinner : )

5:52pm: On good days I can fit in workouts. There’s something about doing something physical that is so rewarding.

6:18pm: Catch up on to-do list, attempt to respond and write emails in Word. (Yea, that’s what you do when you get internet every few days. Welcome to the rest of the world.)

7:39pm: The team decided to call it a day and have bonding time, yet we could never get everyone in room together for our movie. We even had popcorn ready! A lecturer stopped by to meet with Joe and played around on Garage Band with me. We will also be doing a Haka this year, so I showed my team our Haka from New Zealand! (What’s up, my Kiwi bruthaaaaa Roydon Feyden???!!! You are the ULTIMATE OF ALL ULTIMATES!)

9:29pm: Early Samwise bedtime.

Every day is a bit different, but definitely busy. The next few weeks will be even more chaotic as our 18 other students (pray they all get here!) arrive and begin classes. I will be posting my next blog during week 2 of the school because it involves a surprise we are delivering to the students. Love you all! Thank you much for your support!


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