Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Outreach Before Outreach

So, I have like 5 minutes...but I wanted to give an idea of how things are going...what at task :)

We are finishing lectures this week, I leave in 7 days for Thailand. This weeks topic is Spiritual Warfare.

My roommate, who is an amazing guy, was in a tough spot before DTS. He just got a job and God is working such amazing things in his life. I'm so excited for him and to think of the vast differences in backgrounds we have come from yet the amazing things we have in common and have shared...I love him and will miss him. He's become like family, as has all the people here.

A guy I met at the community lunches we have every week disappeared a few weeks ago. I thought it was a good thing in the back of my mind. He had mentioned his family lived out of town and that things didn't seem to be going so well here with addictions and such. He showed up last week and told me what a positive influence my time has been with him. It's so amazing what happened through me simply sharing what God has done for me the last two months. He went home for a week or so and mended some relationships with family. He said his father, who used to be closed off and unforgiving, was now humble. He used the word 'peaceful.' Awesome stuff! He said he and another guy who are living in poverty and addiction have been praying for me...for ME! How awesome is that? God is good!

Walking the streets here every day is an interesting experience. You never really know who are what you will run into. I've had some awesome conversations with some people who I am proud to call my friends. I will miss them. Please pray for them...I want to respect their privacy, so they will remain nameless.

We often look at people in a tough spot as "them" or "those people." They are just like us in every way. We struggle with addiction, we struggle with money and everything just as much as they do. We have family issues too! Next time you see someone with a sign on the corner or walking down the street that looks impovershed, STOP! Grab some food with them, give them a snack, TALK WITH THEM! Trust me, it will brighten up your day to hear the pearls of wisdom and perspective that that person will share with you.

This is probably my last blog for now. Here are some prayer requests:
-A mental, physical and spiritual preparedness for Thailand.
-Safe travel.
-That God would provide the funds I need for Thailand.
-Wisdom in decisions.
-Prayer for illness: my Godfather has liver cancer & my mom's good friend has a rare throat disease.

God bless, LOVE YOU ALL!
Sam Tindall

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